Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
    • A few messages from Ian
    • Take lots of notes
    • Downloadable content
    • Terms & Conditions - Please read
  • 2
    To start with..
    • This course outline
    • Course Introduction
    • What do we know about spraying?
    • Spraying Out Of The Box
  • 3
    Lets learn more about technique?
    • What kind of sprayer are YOU?
    • Speed & Distance
    • What the manuals say
    • Posture :)
    • Written Assessment 1
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    Let's learn even more!!!
    • How to waste paint!
    • Triggering..
    • Learn about blending
    • Written Assessment 2
  • 5
    Some final technique tips and tricks
    • Now who remembers Tetris??
    • Does the slowest sprayer win?
    • Written Assessment 3
  • 6
    Now it's time for you to put in some work.
    • Your Practical Assessments
    • Video yourself spray for the first time
    • Play with pressure to achieve "guidelines"
    • Focus on speed & distance
    • Perfect your wrist to minimise arching
    • Blending exercises
    • Do a video of a good Tetris challenge and send it to me
    • Change your posture for better results
    • Play with spraying a few different tip size tips
    • What courses do we recommend next?
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    A few things to download
    • Download the 6 point safety check
    • Sprayers Check List
    • 10 top tips
    • Grab the Fast & Flawless Books
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    Final thing before you go
    • Copy of Please give us some feedback